Monday, April 13, 2009

I suck at blogging.

I am notorious for starting projects and not finishing them. Apparently, blogging is no exception. I have to apologize, especially to those of you who don't get to see Hank all that often, for not keeping you up to date on all his comings and goings. I guess I should change the name of the blog. I promise to make a valiant effort to update at least monthly going forward.

Over the past two months Hank has become a totally different baby. He is babbling all the time and blowing raspberries like a professional raspberry blower. Recently, he has been practicing getting on his hands a knees and rocking back and forth. He's not crazy about it but I think he knows crawling is one of the only ways he is going to get into any trouble. So, he's determined. He also got his first tooth the day after he turned 7 months. And I got my first baby bite the day after that. Our schedule has been packed with baby activities, like playdates and library trips. He is growing so fast I can't keep up. I can't believe he's already in the second half of his first year!